If you are not yet an SHJ member, supporter, or subscriber, please enjoy the preview edition [PDF] here. If you are, please scroll down while logged in for access to the full version. Spring 2022
If you are not yet an SHJ member, supporter, or subscriber, please enjoy the preview edition [PDF] here. If you are, please scroll down while logged in for access to the full version. Winter . . . Only SHJ members and/or magazine […]
This is a guest post by Rabbi Jeffrey Falick of the Congregation for Humanistic Judaism of Metro Detroit, founded in 1963 as the Birmingham Temple. Happy Sukkot! If there was ever a great example of bad holiday planning, it’s Sukkot. […]
This is a reflection from Greg Epstein who has been name the new chief Chaplain at Harvard. See article by Emma Goldberg at “The New York Times” August 26, 2021. Twenty-one years and a few weeks ago, I met a […]
This is a guest post by Rabbi Jeffrey Falick of the Birmingham Temple, Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, the first congregation for Humanistic Judaism, in Metropolitan Detroit. This morning I made one of my very rare visits to Facebook to wish […]
The following resolution was issued in the Winter 2021 edition of Humanistic Judaism Magazine (preview version here): Humanistic Judaism values science and the scientific method to better understand our world, and stands for human dignity, equality, and fair treatment under […]
This is a guest post by Marlene Cohen, Secretary of the SHJ Board of Directors, a long-time member of our DC-affiliate Machar, and Chair of the SHJ Youth Education Committee. Like a Rorschach ink blot test, descriptions of what occurred […]
This is a guest post by Jeffrey L. Falick, Rabbi of the Birmingham Temple Congregation for Humanistic Judaism in Metro Detroit, Michigan. How many times have you heard the tired old cliché that “there are no atheists in foxholes?” I […]
People all over the world who believe in democracy were shocked and dismayed by what they saw happen in the U.S. capital this week. As a movement, Humanistic Judaism does not engage in partisan politics. We’re invested in values. But values […]
This past Saturday evening, November 7, 2020, I sat with my family watching TV as Vice President-elect Kamala Harris delivered her victory speech. It was the most electrifying moment one could possibly have in the den of a Staten Island […]