These programs are for families, who are not members of an SHJ Affiliated Community, seeking a B Mitzvah (Bar/Bat Mitzvah) for their child. The program is family guided and can be managed individually without further involvement with the Society for Humanistic Judaism or a certified Secular Humanistic Rabbi or Leader. Or you may opt for a mentor’s on-going support, as described in the B Mitzvah Module choices.
The program 13 STEPS to Becoming a B Mitzvah describes the 13 Steps, gives resources, including suggestions for topics and role models, an outline of questions to write a role model paper, examples of a completed role model and research papers, resources to create a B Mitzvah service or program, and examples of a completed ceremony program. Sheet music is available upon request. There are also links to presentation examples which used multi-media formats.
Values in Action/Community Service
Secular Humanistic Jews emphasize the importance of consistency between belief and behavior. A community service project as part of B Mitzvah preparation is strongly recommended.
With purchase of this program, you will receive mentor support from either an SHJ Rabbi or a B Mitzvah Coordinator in the following:
Family Responsibilities
Families are responsible for guiding their children through the steps, finding a Hebrew tutor if desired, booking the facility, hiring or choosing a ceremonial leader and a musician/s to play, sing, and lead the music, and working with the mentor to plan the program.
Join the Society for Humanistic Judaism. Household Membership is $95 annually.
The fee for this program is yet to be determined.