There are many ways to learn about and study Secular Humanistic Judaism. We have created a list of resources that allows you to make choices based on your interests and educational gaps.
Movement Websites
Program and Study Videos
Books and Written Materials
Judaism in a Secular Age, study guides available for Section 2 & Section 3
Basic Ideas of Secular Humanistic Judaism, Rabbi Eva Goldfinger
A Provocative People, Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine, a study guide available
Liturgy and Humanistic Judaism, Rabbi Miriam Jerris
Staying Sane in a Crazy World, study guide available.
Congregation for Humanistic Judaism of Metro Detroit, MI
Congregation for Humanistic Judaism of Metro-Detroit YouTube Channel
Catalogue for Shabbat services and holiday services and Shabbat sermons and presentations.
Who Wrote the Bible? Rabbi Jeffrey Falick
Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation
Rabbi Dr. Adam Chalom, Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation, Deerfield, IL
Three section Adult Education curricula. Rabbi Chalom teaching on YouTube:
Kol Hadash Humanistic Congregation Podcast Rabbi Adam Chalom – High Holiday talks and reflections
Machar, The Secular Humanistic Jewish Congregation of Greater Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia, Rabbi Jeremy Kridel. Their YouTube channel can be found here. They offer Shabbat and holiday programming including a full schedule of Adult Education.
The City Congregation, NY welcomes the public to their Shabbat and Educational Programs. They have Adult Education classes and programs led by Rabbi Dr. Tzemah Yoreh. For weekly Talmud classes led by Avi Gorelick click here.
Oraynu Congregation for Humanistic Judaism — This community is in Metro Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Adult Education offerings are available at this link.
Do You Want to Organize a New Community?
If you are looking for programs for a new community, we have listed some options in this section.
Program choice is best determined based on whether the program supports the mission of your organization. If you do not have a mission, use the mission of the Society for Humanistic Judaism as it applies to a local community. If you would like assistance in creating a mission, the SHJ has examples of other local community mission statements.
The Society for Humanistic Judaism inspires, organizes, and advocates for secular individuals and congregations to celebrate Jewish identity and culture independent of supernatural authority and aligned with the values of Humanistic Judaism.
Cohn‐Sherbok, Dan, Marilyn Rowens, and Harry Cook eds. A Life of Courage: Sherwin Wine and Humanistic Judaism, International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism and Milan Press, 2003.
Goldfinger, Eva, Basic Ideas of Secular Humanistic Judaism, International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism,1996.
Guide to Humanistic Judaism, Society for Humanistic Judaism, date. (available with SHJ or Affiliate Community Membership).
Humanistic Judaism Magazine , Society for Humanistic Judaism. (available by subscription or free of charge with SHJ or Affiliate Community Membership).
Jerris, Miriam and Sheila Malcolm, eds., Here is Our Light: Humanistic Jewish Holiday and Life-Cycle Liturgy for Inspiration and Reflection, Ben Yehudah Press, Teaneck, NJ, 2019.
Kogel, Renee and Zev Katz, eds., Judaism in a Secular Age, International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, 1995.
Seid, Judith. God‐Optional Judaism: Alternatives for Cultural Jews Who Love Their History, Heritage and Community, Citadel Press, 2001.
Wine, Sherwin, Celebration: A Ceremonial and Philosophical Guide for Humanists and Humanistic Jews, Prometheus Books, 1988.
Wine, Sherwin. Judaism Beyond God, rev. International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, 2017.
Wine, Sherwin and Adam Chalom, ed., A Provocative People, International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism and Milan Press, 2012.
Wine, Sherwin, Staying Sane in a Crazy World, Center for New Thinking, 1995.