Judith Matthews Rockert is from Toronto, Ontario, Canada and has made the courageous decision to die with dignity through MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying). She is the beloved aunt of Rabbi Miriam Jerris.
Tell me dear one, tell me wise one,
Is it the destiny of each generation
To watch the decay & destruction of
The souls of their
Forefathers, their Mothers & Fathers
Of their brothers and sisters
Of their Aunts, Uncles
And dear lifelong friends?
Is it their destiny
To observe this disintegration, as they age?
What if I don’t want to go there?
What if I don’t want MY loved ones to be witness to
MY deterioration
What if I want to leave before
The tearing apart of the person they once knew
and loved
Is no more
And all that remains is a little piece,
A little dribble,
A shell, a shadow of the original?
Is it OK to leave before
Their memory of the once vivid and vital
Valuable person they held dear,
Fades away?
Judith Rockert, 2022
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