As we work toward a future more embracing of human power for positive change and less reliant on religious dogma, Secular Humanistic Judaism provides community to explore and shape the evolving meaning of Jewish traditions through a nontheistic, inclusive worldview.
The Society for Humanistic Judaism inspires, organizes, and advocates for secular individuals and congregations to celebrate Jewish identity and culture independent of supernatural authority and aligned with the values of Humanistic Judaism.
The key beliefs and philosophies that guide our movement include:
Human Agency
People have the power to achieve global survival, happiness, and dignity using their own abilities; we need not await supernatural intervention. Ethics are determined by the consequences of each action toward the betterment of life, not by whether an authority or ancient text commands it.
Jewish Cultural Identity
Judaism is the evolving, concurrent cultures of the Jewish people, with religion being just one facet. We draw strength from aspects of our history, rituals, achievements, literature, music, arts, food, humor, and wisdom tradition, and we view the Jewish story as testament to the continuing struggle for human dignity.
Coming together in times of celebration and loss improves lives by offering belonging, support, and meaning. We center nontheistic expressions of Judaism that elsewhere may be marginalized, providing uniquely secular and humanistic celebrations of Jewish holidays and lifecycle events reflecting our ethical core.
With multiculturalism and diversity as guiding values, we celebrate our interfaith/intercultural, multiracial, LBGTQ+ family, as well as those with disabilities and all household configurations. We welcome as Jewish any person who chooses to identify with the culture and traditions of the Jewish people.
Critical Thinking
We rely on science, evidence, reason, experimentation, empathy, creativity, and artistic expression to address Jewish and universal human questions and to help improve the world and ourselves. We are committed to passing these values on to present and future generations through education and by our example.
Social Justice
We seek a future where the dignity and freedom of every human being is upheld. We must repair the world through community service and by advancing human rights, anti-racism, and the separation of church and state.
— August 2021