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Make a Better World.

Charitable deeds, the pursuit of justice, and nurturing community have always been central to the Jewish tradition. Today, most Jews also understand there will be no divine intervention; humanity must take full responsibility to “repair the world” (tikkun olam) ourselves.

Secular Humanistic Judaism makes the world a better place by providing positive Jewish meaning, identity, and community for those who have moved past traditional religious expressions of Judaism.

In turn, Humanistic Jews and our family and friends work toward tikkun olam by making the change we want to see in the world, advocating for religious freedom including for the non-religious, taking stands on social justice issues, and working in local communities to improve the lives of others.

Sharing Humanistic Jewish Meaning
Build Your Community by starting or helping to lead a local Humanistic Judaism congregation or group.
Movement Advocacy and News
Keep up-to-date with what’s happening in Humanistic Judaism and opportunities for meaning and participation.
Religion Out Of Government
Jews for a Secular Democracy is our pluralistic initiative calling for religion out of government, a cause of primary concern for American Jewry.
Being the Positive Change
Humanistic Jews take stands on issues we believe in, offering resolutions toward a more equitable society.
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