SHJ helps new local Humanistic Judaism communities and congregations develop in the United States and Canada.
Why? Local communities provide opportunities for like-minded individuals to connect, celebrate holidays, study together, educate children, share in lifecycle events, and provide support in times of joy and sorrow.
If there are no local Humanistic Judaism communities near you, SHJ can assist our members in developing strategies to reach out to like-minded secular, cultural, Humanistic Jews to establish a group.
SHJ has a treasure trove of resources available to support organizing efforts — Shabbat and holiday materials, advertising and marketing tools, adult and youth educational curricula, online and print materials describing the philosophy and practice of Humanistic Judaism, etc. It may also be possible to arrange a visit from the SHJ Executive Director to help with organizing efforts.
Historically, founders of SHJ-affiliated local communities have been dedicated, energized, personable and caring volunteers who believe deeply in the Humanistic Judaism philosophy and want to share it with others.
For more information about establishing a local Humanistic Judaism community, please contact Paul Golin.