2024-25 Humanistic Jewish Role Model: Madres de Plaza de Mayo – Rabbi Miriam Jerris provides an overview of the heroic action these mostly-secular Argentinian Jewish women took in the face of governmental persecution and personal tragedy, and why they are SHJ’s first-ever group role model.
The Courage of Secular Jewish Women in the Madres de Plaza de Mayo – Judith Tiferes, a member of Or Emet Minnesota Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, offers personal testimonial from her time growing up in Argentina.
Pueblitud: Latin-American Jewish Peoplehood – Rabbi Dr. Andy Faur provides a wider understanding of the Latin-American Jewish experience.
Mishpajag: A Place for Jewish Family Celebration and Humanistic Values – Jewish educator Ilan Rosenthal discusses the Humanistic Jewish initiative he co-founded in Mexico.
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