Issue Highlights:
A Community in Formation – James McDevitt-Phelps shares his enthusiasm, creativity, good organizing skills, and big heart as he describes how he and a few others have started a new community Secular & Humanistic Jews in Central Florida.
The Spinoza Havurah – James M. Branum lays out the development of the Spinoza Havurah, an online community, describing how it has moved from a single founder to a broader community with different leadership voices that only an online community can develop.
Remote Community Doesn’t Have to be Different – Rabbi Miriam Jerris, PhD staff lead on the Adopting Judaism program has worked intimately with many of our new Independent Members. She reflects on ways to build community within this community within the SHJ Community.
The Lord is my Shepherd (Or Not) – Devera Witkin shares how in a medical crisis The City Congregation for Humanistic Judaism brought her and her husband, Michael, much more than she could imagine would heal them in a time of crisis and for decades more.
Where is My Community? – Dr. Adam Skrzynski reflects on how he and we can rebuild trust through community after October 7.
Plus Community News!