We are excited to welcome Erik into the SHJ family! Erik has recently adopted Judaism and has chosen the Hebrew name Rimmon! Read more about his decision to adopt Humanistic Judaism.
I would like to be a Humanistic Jew because I have always identified with Jewish culture, such as holidays and food. However, I have often been uncomfortable with many aspects if “theology.” I like Rabbi Wine’s ideas of being guided by reason and integrity (“Meaning what you say”).
Also, as a queer/LGBTQ person, I haven’t always felt comfortable or fully welcomed in some Jewish spaces. I really love that Humanistic Judaism embraces radical inclusion. It seems to truly welcome all, which I think is what “religion” should always be about.
Finally, I have often been involved in social justice issues, and I feel that Humanistic Judaism supports this. I like the affiliated Jews for a Secular Democracy organization. I have always felt that one of the short comings of many religions is that they are so focused on the “afterlife,” that they don’t do enough to better people’s lives in the here and now. It is the essence of humanism that one of our basic responsibilities is to make the world a better place. My favorite quote from the Talmud is “Do not be daunted by the world’s grief…you are not obligated to complete the work, but, neither, are you free to abandon it.” It is clear that we humans must do the work, not leave it to another being!
What wonderful bases to adopt Secular Humanistic Judaism. Welcome!
Thank you!
Thanks for the well wishes! Just prior to my adopting Judaism, I had an accident and broke my neck, but I am now fully recovered.