This is a guest post by Amber F., newly adopted and welcomed as a member of the Jewish people. Her Hebrew name is Hadassah Ruth. I was 15 when I realized that I did not believe in God, Jesus, and […]
This article was originally published in the Spring 2023 Humanistic Judaism Magazine. It was written by Emily Cohen. Emily is a mom, wife, business owner, and proud queer Jew living in Central Florida! She has recently found Humanistic Judaism and […]
“Building Bridges in a World of Misconception” A presentation by activist and Humanist Erica Mack in recognition of June as LGBTQ Pride Month. This event took place on Friday, June 7, 2019 at the Congregation for Humanistic Judaism of Metro […]
This article was originally published in the Spring 2023 Humanistic Judaism Magazine. It was written by Max Lark and Stacy Wolf-Lark. Max (he/they) is a lifelong Humanistic Jew. He loves traveling and drinking tea. He holds a Master’s degree in […]
Lets talk a little about Shavuot and delicious dairy treats! There seem to be a few different explanations as to why dairy is the traditional celebratory food of Shavuot. Some say it has to do with the availability of dairy […]
This essay by Rabbi Mary Raskin was presented as a talk at the yearly retreat of the Society for Humanistic Judaism (SHJ) Board of Directors, April 28, 2023 Detroit, MI. Rabbi Raskin is the president of the SHJ and the […]
This is a guest post by Dr. Ulrich Chaim Hienzsch from Potsdam/Berlin Germany who shares his joy at adopting Humanistic Judaism three years ago. He illuminates why he became a Humanistic Jew. Since I became a Humanistic Jew I feel […]
This article is from the Fall 2021 issue of Humanistic Judaism Magazine and is written by Dr. Tzemah Yoreh. Dr. Yoreh is the rabbi of the City Congregation in New York City. He holds a PhD from the Hebrew University […]
This article was originally published in the Fall 2021 issue of Humanistic Judaism Magazine. It is written by James Branum, the current editor of HJ Magazine. He also is an attorney, writer, peace activist, and an SHJ member in Oklahoma […]
This is a guest post by Ziyi Guan who has chosen to adopt Judaism. Ziyi is a 20-year-old college student living in South Carolina, and studying Biology. She is of Chinese heritage and speaks the Chinese language. She also feels […]