Susan Ryan is on the Humanistic Jewish Role Model Committee and is the Secretary of the City Congregation in New York City. She and her family have been members of The City Congregation for over 25 years, and her son […]
On Friday December 1, 2023, we were honored to present Devera and Michael Witkin with the 2023 Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine Lifetime Achievement Award. Below are the proclamation made by Rabbi Miriam Jerris in presenting the award and a recoding […]
SHJ’s social justice initiative Jews for a Secular Democracy received wonderful coverage of its program “Religion-Government Separation in Michigan Today with State Senators Moss and Bayer,” hosted by the Congregation for Humanistic Judaism of Metro Detroit on April 29, 2023. […]
At each SHJ Board Meeting a Board Member is asked to reflect on the SHJ’s mission. Allan Malkis, President of Or Emet, Minnesota Congregation for Humanistic Judaism, and their designated representative on the Board shared his personal reflections on finding […]
SHJ is thrilled to announce that Rabbi Eva Goldfinger is the 2022 Sherwin T. Wine Lifetime Award Recipient. Rabbi Eva Goldfinger is a rabbi at Oraynu Congregation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Please join us for the celebration on Zoom, December […]
The National Gathering of Secular and Humanistic Jews, co-sponsored by the Society for Humanistic Judaism and the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, took place April 22-23 in Deerfield, Illinois. The stimulating and inspiring weekend included the ordination of two […]
The following resolution was issued in the Winter 2021 edition of Humanistic Judaism Magazine (preview version here): Humanistic Judaism values science and the scientific method to better understand our world, and stands for human dignity, equality, and fair treatment under […]
We are thrilled to launch our new website! While our previous website was also built on a Wordpress blogging platform, it did not allow for traditional blogging...